Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Previews for ALL ECV Press books now available!

The Continuum Universe #1 Cover by Ron Lim
Here we are well into 2011 with the con season just starting and I am finally done with the previews for all of our book. You can visit our website and take a look at the first six pages of every book and 8 pages for The Continuum Universe. Please let me know what you think about not only the books themselves but the layout of the previews. I am sure there is more for me to tweek.

Also, don't forget that every Monday, Wednesday and Friday there is a new webcomic posted for Spades. Writer Jesse Jones and a variety of artists take us into the Middle East as Spades is hired out to help win a civil war. Episode 27 goes up tomorrow and all previous episodes are available to read now.

Thank you and have a great week!

Ben Schwartz

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